RIP David Lynch

Obey Giant/Shepard Fairey Screenprint

1984 version of Dune was the best. Fight me.

Saw a clip of an interview with David Lynch that I loved:

Interviewer: (You know there’s a line I’ve always loved of Leonard Cohen - “If I knew where the good songs came from, I would go there more often”)

DL: Absolutely. People - we want -we don’t do anything without an idea so they are beautiful gifts. And I always say desiring an idea, it’s like bait on a hook. And you can pull them in and if you catch an idea that you love, that’s a beautiful beautiful day, and you write that idea down so you won’t forget it.
And that idea that you caught might just be a fragment of the whole…whatever it is you are working on, but now you have even more bait thinking about that small fragment…that little fish will bring in more and they’ll come in and hook on and more and more come in and pretty soon you’ll have a script or a chair or a painting or an idea for a painting

Interviewer: (But They come in as)….

DL:….more often than not small fragments. I like to think of it as in the other room the puzzle is all together but they keep flipping in just one piece at a time…

Interviewer: (In the other room)…

DL:…over there

Interviewer: (In a sense David there is always another room somewhere)

DL: That’s a beautiful thing to think about.

Interviewer: (Let’s think about it a bit)

DL: No you think about it


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